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    I'm heading to PAX!

    Post #: 93
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2011-08-26 07:17:28.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Gaming

    Just sitting at the bus terminal now. The earlier bus was sold out so I'll miss the keynote, but oh well.

    Looking forward to more gaming goodness! I had a blast last year. There is so much to see! I feel like Zaboo from this season of The Guild. I will have it all!!!!

    Jeremy Reimer on 2011-08-28 10:33:16.000

    It's my last day here! I've had an amazing time so far.

    The best part was meeting DJWheat at the Alienware booth and heading out to the Chau Bistro to watch Starcraft! Djwheat is a professional Starcraft commentator and an all around awesomely cool guy.

    More stories to come!

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