We’re back! In this episode, we talk about where we’ve been, and look back at the past year. Our conclusion: Technology news sucks! WHAT?? A podcast about technology news saying that technology news sucks? It’s true.
We try and explain ourselves a little bit. It’s not the fault of the technology news reporters (at least, not really). It’s all because of the acceleration of technology itself. Listen to find out more!
Links to sites discussed in the podcast:
http://www.figureprints.com - Get your World of Warcraft 3D custom figures!
http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0134.html?printable=1 - Explains acceleration quite starkly.
http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/looking-back-looking-forwards.ars/2 - Ars Technica’s 2007 predictions.
http://www.amazon.com/Super-Crunchers-Thinking-Numbers-Smart/dp/0553805401 - SuperCrunchers
http://www.amazon.com/Innovators-Dilemma-Revolutionary-Business-Essentials/dp/0060521996 - The Innovator’s Dilemma
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