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    The History of the ARM Chip: Part 2

    Post #: 297
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2022-11-22 02:16:19.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: articles

    This morning I was happy to find that Part 2 of my History of ARM article is now live on Ars Technica. You can read it here:

    The first part was mostly a technical story of talented engineers who created something amazing. The second part is the story of how the ARM company was able to bring this technology to the world. It's a reminder that it takes both technical prowess and a focused business approach in order to succeed.

    Part Three is coming next month!

    Posuyda on 2023-08-31 08:38:51.000

    I have learned many things from your article <spam link deleted>

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