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    A logo for

    Post #: 289
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2022-04-20 20:16:36.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Computers Microhistory

    This is a little something I whipped up on paper and then made real with a great little program called Affinity Designer.

    I started with a stylized representation of an old 1970s all-in-one computer, something like a TRS-80 Model III, or my own Heathkit H-89.

    Then I replaced the floppy disk drive on the right with a stylized book, to indicate the "history" portion of the site. Micro, History? Get it?

    The orange color is just a color I liked and decided to theme the site around. No personal computers in the 1970s and 1980s were orange, but maybe that's the point. I tried the logo in more boring colors like grey and beige, but it just wasn't as cool.

    And cool was what I was going for.

    AllYorBaseRBelong2Us on 2022-05-05 23:41:32.000

    That's actually snazzy JR.

    Love that Orange, but that white doesn't look exactly right to AYB

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