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    A new cover image for newLISP on Rockets!

    Post #: 201
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-07-16 21:03:24.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: newLISP Blog, 3D Modeling

    newLISP on Rockets is my rapid web application development framework, which powers this blog and other sites. The code is available for free under the GPL at the newLISP on Rockets Blog.

    I decided that I wanted to have a little nicer-looking logo and front page graphic for the framework than the little cartoon rocket I started with. So I whipped up a new model in Blender using simple cylinders and basic commands like Extrude and Size. Blender is really easy once you get the hang of all the shortcut keys, and those keys make things MUCH faster than using primarily mouse-driven 3D software.

    I UV-unwrapped the model in Blender, got a free stock metal texture from The background picture is from a NASA weather observation satellite.

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