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    The Stalker: a short story featuring Starcraft!

    Post #: 182
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2013-05-15 11:02:38.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Writing, Science Fiction

    I’ve always wanted to combine my passions for writing and watching professional Starcraft, and now I’ve finally done it.

    The Stalker is a short science fiction story that centers around John "Heart" Wolanski, a professional Starcraft player living abroad in South Korea. John encounters a strange glitch in the game that comes at the worst possible time in his professional gaming career. He must struggle against the glitch and his own personal demons, which are threatening to destroy him.

    It’s absolutely free, but if you have a Kindle and want to support my work, you can purchase a copy at Amazon for 99 cents here:

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