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    Sometimes dreams come true faster than you think...

    Post #: 120
    Post type: Blog post
    Date: 2012-06-08 13:22:37.000
    Author: Jeremy Reimer
    Tags: Starcraft, Gaming

    I was re-reading my article on the history of professional Starcraft and I came across this comment:

    Kraicat - about a year ago

    I don’t like traditional sports. I’ve never gotten into or really enjoyed any typical game of Football, Basketball, Baseball, etc... When I go into a bar, I would rather watch Simpsons instead of some random college teams playing each other in some sport.

    I dream of the day when I can go to my local bar, look up at the big screen and see a StarCraft competition going on. I will scream and holler at the screen, chat with other guys about their strategy and finally be able to enjoy competitive games in public.

    But I’ll bet that day is still pretty far off.

    Well, this Sunday, I’m heading down to the MLG, live from Anaheim.

    About a year after the article was published and the comment made, it has actually happened. I am going to go to a sports bar in my home city and watch live Starcraft on the big screen.

    I can’t wait.

    AllYorBaseRBelong2Us on 2012-07-06 01:40:35.000


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