OscarWildePosts: 10080
Posted on: 2011-10-03 20:25:37.000
I'm not going to get into this subject, considering the checkered past on this forum (as in any other forum for that matter); but honestly, of all the debates and heated arguments on this forum and another other ones I've been a part of, or just read from a distance, it did not prepare me for the myopic fundamentalist views I read from some random facebook live news feed.
As we know FB recently has the annoying live news feed. And I saw this one news feed from a friend who replied to a post made by a friend of his. Some very angry black dude, very pro-christian, very anti-homosexual, and very very anti-white. Now I've seen all sorts of racist stuff before, but this guy, wow: His world view was:
White people introduced abortion, homosexuality, and guns to black people to control their population. I'm not gonna get into the full details of it, but suffice to say, my jaw just dropped. I've heard the gun stuff before, but abortions and homo-sexuality. Holy conspiracy theory batman!
Anyway, so as the discussion between this guy and his friends continue, all his arguments quote scripture. 'HOMOSEXUAL IS EVEL!!! quotation from bible to fit the argument' 'WHITE MAN IS THE DEVILLL!!!!!! quotation from the bible...'
After a while I finally got the constant scripture quoting: this guy eventually said there are evil truths and there are good truth, and his truth is good truth, god's truth, and he knows its true because of scripture. My jaw dropped again. The conviction and the self delusion behind that statement:
"There are truths, evil truth and good truths and I know my truth is good!"
I didn't debate with this guy because there's no point. I saw my friend and his friend trying to point out the racism and hate in his message and it was all twisted into self victimized, being misunderstood, Madanesque like rebukes.
Oh and White people made black Jesus white!!!! I wanted to ask what kind of black was Jesus? Nigerian? Kenyan? South African? And when did blacks in America find out about Christ? And other the urban myth that jesus christ is believed to be white even tho most paintings even from middle ages Europe tend to paint Christ as dark skinned (tanned at least) and dark hair, and features not the typical of Europeans. I don't think I've ever seen a painting of Christ and thought to myself, 'oh he looks like he could be from Manchester England, the bloody anti-liverpool poofter!'
But anyway, there is more to this guy, and it's just one scary conspiracy theory after another. The other was Hitler was Rotschild (I had to google to find out what that meant)... or something like. Some super rich jewish family that controls the world.