Posted on: 2010-12-11 11:44:34.000
It’s a pretty big episode this time, with big announcements for the future of Knotty Geeks!
We start off talking about our latest and greatest iGadgets, briefly discuss our trip to Sacramento for Amiwest 2010, review the amazing new book What Technology Wants, and then get into my big news: the release of my brand-new, written-from-scratch forum/blogging system called Monarch, written in newLISP!
The new system includes a podcast module, on which Knotty Geeks has found its new home.
Links from the show;
AmiWest 2010 Report: What Technology Wants (also available on Kindle) Content Engine - Jeremy’s new blogging application!<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="./includes/players/1pixelout.swf" width="290" height="24" >
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