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    Knotty Geeks Episode 06 - I, for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords



    Jeremy Reimer
    Posts: 9348
    Posted on: 2010-12-10 14:04:39.000
    After too long an absence, we’re back with a show covering one specific theme: Should expert systems and possibly artificial intelligences take over the big banking and other financial decisions, in order to prevent us flawed humans from having another economic meltdown?

    I argue that they should, while Terry has a more nuanced view of the subject.

    Links from the show: - P.R. Sarkar’s theory of economic collapse - Darwin’s Radio sci-fi novel - Disruptive Technology - The Innovator’s Dilemma - Black Monday 1987 - Steven Levy’s Artifical Life

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    Views: 6711