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    Knotty Geeks Episode 44 - If I had a billion dollars



    Jeremy Reimer
    Posts: 9350
    Posted on: 2016-01-27 13:43:00.000
    We’re merging the video and audio versions, so the number scheme is going back to the old numbering.

    And no, we weren’t hit with a nuclear explosion! The background is super bright and we are super dark because of... reasons. Mostly because we are still learning about lighting. But we still have some stuff to talk about.

    Links from the show:

    * Duke Fightmaster
    * Powerball Lottery
    * Wealth inequality
    * Billion here, a billion there
    * Show of the week - The Expanse
    * Book of the week - Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard

    uploads/Knotty-geeks-episode-44.mp3" />
    Knotty-geeks-episode-44.mp3" width="290" height="24" />

    Direct link to the .mp3 audio

    Views: 7811