xradionutPosts: 19
Posted on: 2015-10-23 10:45:37.000
Well, you got most of the background correct.
The main issues that pissed off the Sad Puppy crowd, is that the insular group of voters had gone PC and SJW, so that works of low quality, but were PC/SJW got nominated or the authors/editors that were politically connected won. Examples, "Red Shirts", "If You were a Dinosaur, My Love" or the blahness that is "Ancillary Justice". Also one of awards, "Long Format Editor", was created just so a few buddies could get awards. Plus the mock awards that were the "Assterix" handed out to the losers and some very deserving editors that were absolutely shit on by No Award.
Toss in a bit of cultural warfare, some GamerGate and a shit ton of grudges plus the conflict between the publishing houses and the independents, and add gasoline.
I know authors on all sides and neutral. I've had long conversations at cons and online with many of them. There's trolls on all sides. There's some crappy people on all sides. There's a nugget of truth to the Sad Puppies message that got lost in the shit slinging.
Overall the Hugo and WorldCon doesn't represent science fiction nor literary science fiction anymore. So much has changed in the last two decades. SciFi is more mainstream and the bulk of WorldCon voters is the same folks that have been around since the '70s, add in a twist of open lesbians, gays and pedophiles* that have come out of the closet opposed by some religious, more conservative writers.
(*Bradley and Delany)
Except for a few volumes a month, I've pretty much retired from sci-fi reading. After 40 years of reading the genre, I've pretty much mined it out. That time is replaced with other hobbies and pass times that are more reality based.