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    Knotty Geeks Episode 22 - Parks and Polls



    Jeremy Reimer
    Posts: 9348
    Posted on: 2013-05-08 09:19:46.000
    In this episode of Knotty Geeks, we travel to the beautiful Queen Elizabeth Park and enjoy sunshine, fountains, and non-stop weddings. We talk a bit about podcasting, flat design and Windows 8, and for the first time, we ask our audience what direction we should take the podcast in!

    Behold, the first ever Knotty Geeks poll! Please vote!

    uploads/Knotty_Geeks_Episode_22.mp3" />
    Knotty_Geeks_Episode_22.mp3" width="290" height="24" />

    Download mp3 file directly

    <h4>What should Knotty Geeks focus more on?</h4>

    More technology news and reviews of new gadgets!
    A single topic for each week that we cover in-depth!
    More off-the-cuff and spontaneous conversation!
    More reviews of science fiction books!
    More discussion about old computer history like the Amiga!

    Poll Results:

    Total votes: 3

    A single topic for each week that we cover in-depth! : 2..................................................................
    More discussion about old computer history like the Amiga! : 1.................................

    Views: 6089