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    Posts: 10469
    Posted on: 2012-02-24 04:50:20.000
    Can't seem to change out the avatar. Any help Jeremy?



    Jeremy Reimer
    Posts: 9348
    Posted on: 2012-02-24 10:57:37.000
    If you go to the main page and click "Edit Account Details" and then hit the "Edit User Data" you can change your avatar to any of the ones in the list. However at the moment you can't add new avatars to the list. I will be adding that feature today, I think.

    Posts: 10469
    Posted on: 2012-02-28 00:59:45.000
    Cool. I'll be waiting to upload a new sailor smam avatar



    Jeremy Reimer
    Posts: 9348
    Posted on: 2012-02-28 15:31:41.000
    Okay, I didn't do it Friday, but I've done it today.

    When you click "Edit Account Details" you can now upload new avatars.

    I don't have any sort of image-resizing software installed, so please don't upload giant images! 100 pixels wide is plenty.

    Posts: 10469
    Posted on: 2012-02-28 21:57:52.000

    whoah. Big avatar! :shock:

    Posts: 10469
    Posted on: 2012-02-28 22:05:02.000
    Okay, sized it down. though it seems it cannot display any file who's name has spaces in it

    Views: 3712