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Thread #: 1981

Rodney O'Laine.  Dead?


Mon Jun 17 14:52:01 2002

is it true?
Evil Merlin

Mon Jun 17 15:30:41 2002

Are we supposed to even care?

Mon Jun 17 16:03:59 2002


Mon Jun 17 16:26:25 2002

I don't know which post above elicits the most humor... ;)

But seriously, AYB, is there some report that he died?  Or just gave up his computer jihad, much like DKE?

Evil Merlin

Mon Jun 17 16:28:35 2002

The guy was DKE in a different body.

At least DKE learned to give it up.

Hopefully he cut his own stomach and bled out.


Mon Jun 17 16:31:24 2002

Another DKE?
/me whips out the railgun

Still, it was most amusing to watch DKE turn on Apple.


Mon Jun 17 17:05:34 2002

from Magus posted at 12:31 pm on June 17, 2002

Another DKE?
/me whips out the railgun

Still, it was most amusing to watch DKE turn on Apple.

Rodney O. Lain is/was the macvocate responsible for [url]www.ibrotha.com[/url] -- yes, he can do that because he's black.  A few years ago he decided to respond to some criticism he was getting in a Yahoo board, and basically just showed the world what a loon he is... not unlike DKE and APK.

No word about his death on his website, though.  But if he was the only person with the password, that wouldn't be too surprising. ;)

Evil Merlin

Mon Jun 17 17:05:46 2002

DKE is doing nothing I would guess right now...

Mon Jun 17 17:54:46 2002

...for which I am thankful.
Evil Merlin

Mon Jun 17 18:36:52 2002

Yeah the guy was about as useful as The_Hitman, ema, and MWNH.

Mon Jun 17 18:58:06 2002

Useful for human sacrifices?
Evil Merlin

Mon Jun 17 20:13:16 2002

Nah even the dark god's would reject those piles of human shit.

Mon Jun 17 20:21:34 2002

Then let them join the hordes of Orcs of Sauron.

Tue Jun 18 02:15:30 2002

Apparently he killed him self. Thats too bad. A maclot or wintroll, one hopes that when one takes his/her life that its the choice to rise above the misery in life to find peace in death.
I hope he found that peace. God knows how many times I have found life too miserable and desired the peace in another realm.
Imitation Gruel

Tue Jun 18 02:49:07 2002


RIP, I guess. Macolyte or not, it's somewhat saddening to think that with all the ways to solve any problems that a given person may have, suicide is their best option.

A moment of silence for a fallen fellow human being, computer platform preference be damned.

(Edited by Imitation Gruel at 7:49 pm on June 17, 2002)


Tue Jun 18 03:46:49 2002

Every opinion, however off-the-wall, deserves mourning at its loss.  God forbid we should live in a world of beige carpet and package tours.
Jeremy Reimer

Tue Jun 18 03:51:53 2002

I didn't even know about the guy, but I'm saddened at the loss.  He was married, too.  



Tue Jun 18 03:57:02 2002


(No irony/sillyness intended.)


Tue Jun 18 04:00:59 2002

Man, suicide is sooo friggin final... When I was growing up, ohh, 16 years old, one of my good friends killed himself. Really brought home the thought of just how selfish suicide is. Yea, his pain ended, but the amount of grief and suffering he visited on his family is unbelievable...

From a suicide survivor: "Coward"


Tue Jun 18 04:52:22 2002

Maybe its a 'cowards' way out, and maybe its 'selfish', but i can tell you from experience (unfortunately) that when you're at that point, your sense of reality is severely distorted.

I don't feel like going into much details about this, but i know that when i was 'there' (and there being very very very fucking close) i had a brief image of my mom in my mind but i knew she would be okay and i was in so much peace knowing where i was going. Off course i didn't go where i wanted to and got stuck on this damn planet.

none the less, it is very scary when you have made the choice because it feels good. Then again it maybe is different for everyone. I don't think its a coward or selfish thing to do. I don't live for anyone and i don't see people living thier lives with much value anyway. Most people just go through the routines with little awereness to the world.

Imitation Gruel

Tue Jun 18 06:13:51 2002

I cannot help but partially agree with DeAthe, but I must also side with OW. I cannot agree with the action, and I must wonder what his state of mind was.

Unfortunately we will never truly know.


Tue Jun 18 06:26:33 2002

OW, I see what you're saying, but after 1 suicide attempt, and almost attempt, I *still* gotta disagree with ya.  Hey, I know what it's like, I've taken a bottle of sleeping pills w/ whiskey ( thank god for the booze, made me puke, but I was unconcious for 2 days ), and also had a 20 guage in my mouth.

Hey, having a distorted sense of reality, I can see. But being unable or unwilling to accept the help that is there, it's your own fault. Depression is a illness, generally caused by a chemical inbalance. But killing yourself is *still* cowardly.

Evil Merlin

Tue Jun 18 09:29:19 2002


Um, suicide is not an answer. Just because Apple dry fucks ya does not mean you need to die.

While I have not been depressed in 10 years, I still remember that pain till today...

It's not a fun thing, and its final, and quite rude to the rest of us.


Tue Jun 18 14:10:34 2002

I regret that a human has decided to end his life by his own hand.  I do not intend to make light of his death, but when I first encountered his writings back in 1998-9, I was on a Yahoo site where a number of readers thought that he was a bit over-obsessed with his Apple.  In fact, some thought that (if he was indeed serious, which he sincerely seemed to be) he ought to seek assistance, or at least take a step back and re-evaluate his priorities.  It got so bad that [url=http://www.netherworld.com/~mgabrys/temp/]this site[/url] popped up.