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Thread #: 1537

High Heat 2003 supports XP


Sun Mar 10 05:04:47 2002


Sun Mar 10 05:20:09 2002

This is what i get when i click on the site:


<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="The 3DO Company, headquartered in Redwood City, CA,
develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software for advanced entertainment systems
including the PlayStation®2 computer
entertainment system, the PlayStation game console, and the Nintendo® 64 and Game Boy®
Color systems, as well as for the PC, Macintosh and the Internet.">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="3do, 3do direct, store, games, buy, online store, hotdeals, might and
magic, armymen, heroes, army, men, battletanx, high heat, sosa, nintendo 64,
playstation, playstation2, playstation 2, ps, ps2, pc, game boy, games, video, thdo, world, vegas, wdl, destruction,
league, mac, macintosh, thunder tanks">
<META NAME="rating" CONTENT="General">
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="/store.css">
<title>3DO Direct Online Store</title>
<script language="JavaScript" src="/3do.js">





Sun Mar 10 05:21:28 2002

Your browser must suck then :cheesy:

Sun Mar 10 05:21:56 2002

odd the second time i tried that link it worked instead of giving me the html code like the first time...

Sun Mar 10 05:23:22 2002


nah i think it was a server glitch on their side.

Robocop Q Einstein

Sun Mar 10 05:25:28 2002

Yeah, must be an IIS flaw, not some Mac problem.



Sun Mar 10 05:26:22 2002


Sun Mar 10 05:31:25 2002

seeing as i've never experienced this glitch before and seeing as it happened once but the second time it worked...


also me is using mozilla which tends to render everything like the pc does more so then how my mac IE renders websites.

so i say again, its the server end.

how do ya know its IIS? it could just be some random glitch in the cgi-script...

(Edited by OscarWilde at 12:33 pm on Mar. 10, 2002)

Robocop Q Einstein

Sun Mar 10 05:34:25 2002

Wait, isn't this the Battlefront?  Isn't my name fro?



Sun Mar 10 06:01:22 2002

me no get post. i haven't been to the bf in ages so you gotta clue me in...
Robocop Q Einstein

Sun Mar 10 06:03:51 2002

I don't really remember, actually.

I just kinda like to throw out trolls every now and then.

Imitation Gruel

Sun Mar 10 08:12:05 2002

OW, you fucking cockgobbler fucktard, your fucking code fucking b0rked the whole fucking thread. Erase it and just leave a goddamn text-hid link you Mac-using hog stool.

:cheesy: E_M and PeterB, Fusion HA! :cheesy:


Sun Mar 10 10:47:46 2002

No I will never!!!!!

:tongue: :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:

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(Edited by OscarWilde at 5:49 pm on Mar. 10, 2002)

Imitation Gruel

Sun Mar 10 15:15:39 2002

No I will never!!!!!


Sun Mar 10 19:04:12 2002

Sumbitch, their store site works now.  I was trying to go to it last night, and every single time I got a "page could not be loaded" message.

I was on the 3do site trying to find the system requirements, but they were not to be found.  Apparently they only list them (at least WRT HH2003) on the store site.  Yay. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'll be getting this sucker when it's available.  It's about time that they made a game that officially works with 2K/XP.

Jeremy Reimer

Sun Mar 10 19:31:50 2002


Mon Mar 11 02:20:58 2002

Is that an affirmative reaction to the XP-native compatibility?
Jeremy Reimer

Mon Mar 11 02:54:34 2002

No, I fix0red the thread, so it isn't fux0red anymore.

Mon Mar 11 05:00:49 2002

Ah, thanks.

Mon Mar 11 06:47:35 2002

Thanks indeed!

Mon Mar 11 07:38:28 2002

so much for no moderation....

anway, can ya make the post box bigger? or at least increase the size of the editing box? i tried to edit the original post but the box was too small and i'm to lazy to spend the effort scrolling through tiny boxes for editing.


Mon Mar 11 14:06:03 2002

yeah, 80x25 is a great post box size. The current one is what, 25x5? suuuuuuuuck.

And OW: unless Jeremy gets around to hax0ring ikonboard to put each post in it's own table, you can expect to get posts that fux0r the whole page to be shortened. Such is how it is. :biggrin:


Mon Mar 11 15:15:52 2002

well i'm not mad or even a tad upset at jeremy for editing my post. i just wanted to say that I did want to edit the post but the editing box was to damn tiny.