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Thread #: 1299

I just finished Jak and Daxter

Jeremy Reimer

Wed Jan 16 06:05:05 2002

Yup.  I didn't buy it, just rented it (5 day rental)  But I had to renew, because even though I finished the game (beat the end boss, saved the world, yadda yadda yadda) I didn't get the UBER ULTRA SOOPER SECRET ending that you get when you get all 100 precursor power cells.

Well, just now I got that ending.  Let me tell you, the ULTRA UBER SOOPER SECRET is spectacularly sucktackular.  

Oh well.  The game was really fun.  Frustrating in parts, when you had to keep trying the same bit over and over, but damn fun.  Pure fun the whole way through, which is unusual for a game these days.  Pretty graphics too.


I'm glad I didn't pay $70 or whatever it costs to buy this game, given that for $8 I managed to beat it in a little over a week.

I did find a couple of bugs in it.  :)  But there were very few.  There were a LOT of QA people that worked on the game, from Naughty Dog's studios in the US to Sony in Europe and Japan.  Way more than for most games.  Only an experienced tester like myself would ever find the bugs I found.  :biggrin:

I was very impressed with the art direction and the quality of the textures (and the graphics in general)  The way the landscape would slowly change from day to night was really cool (reminded me of Zelda, only it took place wherever you were)   Little touches like the villagers turning on their lights at night ,that sort of thing really added to the overall experience.  The fact that all the levels connected to each other with no loading time (ever) was really groundbreaking.  

All in all, a most satisfying experience.


Wed Jan 16 06:12:22 2002


Though I don't own a console, an am still enjoying IL-2 which I designate as OSY's official Flight Sim of the Year and Bladder's Gate II which I and Madan designate as the OSY RPG game of the Year.


Wed Jan 16 14:54:37 2002

from AllYorBaseRBelong2Us posted at 1:12 am on Jan. 16, 2002and Bladder's Gate II which I and Madan designate as the OSY RPG game of the Year.

Hey, you can count me in on that one as well.  One day, I might even finish it. ;)

Imitation Gruel

Wed Jan 16 15:16:33 2002

I've never played either Baldur's Gate or Baldur's Gate II or any of the other games in that series. Not one of them.

Wed Jan 16 16:23:23 2002

heh I see your new sig is from SOTL. Is it from the book or movie?

Have you read 'The Red Dragon'? Its the prequel to Silence of the Lambs.

IMO, 'The Red Dragon' is a much better book.
'Hannibal' was a bit drab. The movie doesn't really show what really happened in the book. The ending in the book is more 'chilling' then the movie. Can you believe that Clarice and Hannibal are a couple in the book? That they boink each other everynight?

"So Clarice, was I good?"
"Not really..."
"I have a sudden hunger for eating a woman's...."


(Edited by OscarWilde at 11:24 pm on Jan. 16, 2002)

Imitation Gruel

Wed Jan 16 17:10:37 2002

Is it from the book or movie?

I know it's said in the book and I believe it was also said in the movie but on that I am not 100% certain.

Have you read 'The Red Dragon'?

I've read all three novels. Silence was by far my favorite.

(Edited by Imitation Gruel at 9:12 am on Jan. 16, 2002)


Thu Jan 17 02:09:48 2002

Have you read, "Black September" or was it "Black October"? Its the first book by Thomas Harris i believe. I know its a "Black" and some month. Or its just black and some other word. He's a much better writer then the other current thriller fiction writers of the last decade.
I've spent/wasted to much time with Michael Chricton books especially because he employs the same freaking formula in all of his book. :tongue:
Then there is the boring John Grisham or however you spell his name. BOOOOORRRIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!
Then there is Stephen King. Ack! boring too. I don't think i've been able to complete any of his books, granted i've only started 2 or 3.
The other guy I tried to read was Dean Koontz. Interesting style, very 'American', but again a tad boring too.

Hence why i prefer to read the 'classic' books. I like goth so for me 'Dracula' and 'Frankenstien'(sp?) was fun to read inspite of the fact that most people find goth books dull to read. Dracula was a kick as book in my opinion and I'm glad i got the hard cover book.

Have you ever read any of Melanie Rawn's books? Shes a very good writer and its too bad that writers like JK Rawlings get more attention. Granted that JKR is a good fantasy writer but to many people think she's an intelligent writer because she's planned out her 8 books in advance. Silly people. Read Dragon Price by Melanie Rawn and people will see the difference between the complexity.
I don't think i've ever read a book with as many characters and as many complex relationships as the books by Melanie Rawn. :eeks:

Well I didn't expect this turn into a book club post.


Robocop Q Einstein

Thu Jan 17 04:52:31 2002

I designate PureSim baseball the official OSY free alpha-testing text-based baseball simulator.  I've played 58 seasons with the Miami Pilots.

It's pretty fun, though there's no playoffs or championships, no multi-player trades, and not much else.

I enjoy it though.


Thu Jan 17 12:57:32 2002

alpha-testing text-based baseball simulator

You poor, poor man. Does somebody need a hug from ATi or nVidia? :biggrin:
Robocop Q Einstein

Thu Jan 17 21:23:42 2002

No, it just absolutely rules and I'm addicted.



Thu Jan 17 21:59:42 2002

That actually does look like it could be pretty good. You've got to like Baseball a lot more than me to get into it, but I thought you meant text based like DOS mode "press L for team list" "Your team is likely to be eaten by a grue" type stuff :D
Robocop Q Einstein

Thu Jan 17 22:43:30 2002

from HitScan posted at 4:59 pm on Jan. 17, 2002

That actually does look like it could be pretty good. You've got to like Baseball a lot more than me to get into it, but I thought you meant text based like DOS mode "press L for team list" "Your team is likely to be eaten by a grue" type stuff :D

hahahah.  Eaten by a grue.

No, it's actually pretty fucking decent.  It's MSIE based, so it's all clicky and Cleartype makes it pretty.  I don't like baseball all that much, but it's pretty neat to simulate 50 seasons and look and say "Wow, Ruben Cruz hit 61 homeruns in 2032, but no one's challenged that in a few years, except for this up and comer named Israel Pittman."

He's a pretty active developer, especially considering he's CTO of some big finance business and he does PureSim on his off time.  

I like it because a) it's free and b) it's fun.