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Thread #: 1102

An update on my progress on my fanfiction novel!

Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 19:32:07 2001

I have completed the Author's Notes for the first major section, and charted/outlined the events, by way of dates. The first major section is now ready to be written; I simply have to start writing it.

It will be very different from what I'd originally envisioned.

No timeline on the actual writing.

Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 19:33:26 2001

This thread is informative.

However the value of that information is probably questionable.

postcount [color=purple]!!![/color]


Tue Oct 23 20:41:21 2001

IG, where's the actual material?

On your site or what?


Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 20:47:27 2001

My notes for the novel are stored on my J: Drive, on the university's web storage network. My completed fanfiction pieces are on FanFiction.Net, but FF.Net is experiencing problems right now and thus the works are inaccessible.

And I no longer have a website; I took it down and deleted my FreeServers account. I got bored of it, and decided I have no real need of a website anyway.


Tue Oct 23 21:00:39 2001

So, uh, you're telling me you've posted about your FF and you *can't* show it to anyone?

Great. :)



Tue Oct 23 21:06:38 2001

IG, you should write your own BOOK. Lay off the FF.

You're only perpetuating someone ELSE's creations.



Tue Oct 23 21:07:42 2001

Uh, if I were you I'd not keep it on a University drive. I used to know some of the guys in the Computing Operations building or whatever it was called, and from time to time things would be "found" on the network or in someone's email. ;) I'd at least keep a copy on your own box.
Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 23:22:04 2001

That sounds like a pretty good idea, HitScan. I'll think about doing that. But, it's not like I have much stuff on the drive; not even a meg of the 10 we're allowed.
Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 23:25:28 2001

IG, you should write your own BOOK. Lay off the FF.

If I ever get an idea for an original novel I'll give it a go; but so far I am uninspired.

And some of the best things I've ever read have been fanfic. Truth be told, some of the better fanfics I've read have been superior to the "classics" I've had to read for years for stupid and inane literature courses.

'Fanfiction :: bad writing' does not necessarily compute, Madan. Please don't perpetuate that lie.


Tue Oct 23 23:29:37 2001

How about:

"Imitation Gruel's Illustrated Book of Avatars, Signatures, and Taglines"
-by Mystic Grey

Imitation Gruel

Tue Oct 23 23:35:16 2001

"Imitation Gruel's Illustrated Book of Avatars, Signatures, and Taglines"
-by Mystic Grey

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Truly, AYB, you are a card.

The three of clubs to be specific. :biggrin:


Wed Oct 24 20:33:10 2001


If I ever get an idea for an original novel I'll give it a go; but so far I am uninspired.

And some of the best things I've ever read have been fanfic. Truth be told, some of the better fanfics I've read have been superior to the "classics" I've had to read for years for stupid and inane literature courses.

'Fanfiction :: bad writing' does not necessarily compute, Madan. Please don't perpetuate that lie.

Uhm, exactly where did I say "Fanfics stink"?

I didn't. What I did mean, however, is that you're essentially imposing your own preferences, opinions and desires on the creation of another entity.

To me, that seems unproductive. Fanfics are very unknown in normal society precisely for that reason. They aren't *real* copies of the works you've built upon.

If you want me to get nasty however, I *will* say that I've read plenty of fanfics, dozens really, and I've *never* read one that I considered to be more than an amateurish fantasy.

While I'm not saying that composing a good Fanfic is impossible, it is far more difficult because:

A. It's for free. Noone pays you. Liability #1
B. It's using someone else's creation and is not canon in the author's scheme of things. Liability #2
C. Most Fanfics are quite cheesy and transparent in that you can either 1. Discover the theme and plot instantly OR 2. See a personal interest in one specific group of characters OR 3. The style is weak or the actual lines given to the characters don't match its.....character.

I'm simply telling you, if you're as good as you say you are, it would behoove you to write your own book and, while I can't promise the stars, I can say that I would buy it if you did.


Imitation Gruel

Wed Oct 24 23:24:59 2001

Madan: You make good points, but you're assuming too much, and your assumptions are coming up wrong.

1. I'm not in this for money; I'm doing this because I like writing, and because I have an idea for what I think is a good story.

2. Fanfic does not necessarily take place in the same universe as the original storyline. Anyone who's read Nora Jemison's Mirai Trunks stories knows that these are vastly different from DB canon -- because they elucidate his world after he destroys the jinzouningen and Cell; and in DB canon, after he does this, his world is NEVER seen again. But even though it's fanfic, it's still writing that is of unbelievably good quality.

3. I don't recall ever saying I was a good writer. Being a good writer is a dream I have, and I would absolutely kill to be as good a writer as the aforementioned M(r)s. Jemison, but I'm not, and I realize it isn't going to happen.

To me this seems unproductive.

It's not about productivity, it's about imagination. The really good fanfics that I like, which I can point you to if you wish, are really good stories, that the authors have written because they A) had the inspiration and B) enjoyed writing.

That's all this is about for me: personal enjoyment and self-gratification.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Wed Oct 24 23:37:06 2001

Mmmmm, pulp.

Thu Oct 25 20:02:28 2001

Madan: You make good points, but you're assuming too much, and your assumptions are coming up wrong.

I haven't assumed anything. Everything I've said is fact.

Fanfics are not paid and they are not as popular as canon works. Moreso, you're utilizing someone else's intellectual property.

Nothing here is an assumption.

An assumption is you indicating I said something I obviously didn't.

2. Fanfic does not necessarily take place in the same universe as the original storyline. Anyone who's read Nora Jemison's Mirai Trunks stories knows that these are vastly different from DB canon -- because they elucidate his world after he destroys the jinzouningen and Cell; and in DB canon, after he does this, his world is NEVER seen again. But even though it's fanfic, it's still writing that is of unbelievably good quality.

A. I hate DB.
B. I have no idea what you're talking about.
C. It has *some* connection to an existing intellectual property and is, therfore, not yours or any other fanfic author's. Technically, depending on how the fanfic is released, it could be illegal. While using it as writing practice certainly is not, offering it on a web site that mandates membership *would* be.

3. I don't recall ever saying I was a good writer. Being a good writer is a dream I have, and I would absolutely kill to be as good a writer as the aforementioned M(r)s. Jemison, but I'm not, and I realize it isn't going to happen.


Quote: To me this seems unproductive.

It's not about productivity, it's about imagination. The really good fanfics that I like, which I can point you to if you wish, are really good stories, that the authors have written because they A) had the inspiration and B) enjoyed writing.

Nothing more, nothing less.

What you mention of productivity is not applicable since it's a noun, however, productivity is a factor that applies even to imagination.

I don't want to debate that, however.

It's your business. Waste your time if you like.

I was simply making a suggestion. Something you should understand is a completely different animal than an assumption.


Imitation Gruel

Fri Oct 26 00:40:29 2001

Edit: Madan's attitude is not worth the time I took to write that post in order to dispel it.

(Edited by Imitation Gruel at 5:42 pm on Oct. 25, 2001)


Fri Oct 26 01:48:06 2001

You know its difficult to be jugde of good writing. And even more so its harder to say what the restrictions and rewards for writing should be.

I know a few people that study english lit as their major, i have two friends that are now studying english lit as a master.

This is what I think:

I think its fun studying and analysing literature, probably because I'm good at it too. :biggrin:
However I REALLY don't like their attitude of what a "good" piece of literature has to be. To often its the length of the book + the complexities of the word + the name and period of the author.

At one time these "classic" books were considered "trash novels" in their time. Or even not worthy of reading.

Then over time the books become popular later on, sometimes because of the 'colorful' lives an author has led or because some well known literature critiqe says the book is good.

The same applies to all forms of art, the most obvious being music.

Heh! My writing was (and probably still is) so impressive that I was asked to publish my works. One of my english professors at college compared me to Herman Hesse. :eek:
My other english professor completely loved my writing so much and even wrote me a little letter saying that I "have a phenomenal talent" in writing. She convinced me to get my writings published. I tried but the places I submited my work to disagreed with what the many professors and friends had to say about my work.

I don't want to get involved in this thread but I did want to say something because writing (well all art) is very very dear to me. Not only as a writer but as a reader too. However I stopped writing. First of all writing takes a lot out of a person (depending on how serious you take your writing), and second I just can't write a piece of work that I consider as incredible and beautiful as the ones I've had my hands upon. If I could write like Oscar Wilde I would be set.

And off course after reading Douglas Adam's "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" the last nail in the coffin of my writing career was set. What a lovely imagination Douglas Adams had. So lucious and vivid.
Unfortunately I can guess that many of my peers who have studied english lit. will probably 'poo poo' on Douglas Adams works as immature and childish regardless of the fact that the essence of literature has always been about the world the child lives in and we as grownups have forgotten about.

In the begining there was the 'word' and the first word was 'god'.

(Edited by OscarWilde at 9:53 am on Oct. 26, 2001)


Fri Oct 26 02:01:18 2001

OW likes all my literature :)
Imitation Gruel

Fri Oct 26 03:39:11 2001

OW: Good luck with your writing; if people don't respect what you're writing about, ignore them.

The writer's own enjoyment is the key.


Fri Oct 26 08:05:13 2001

AYB, you should write a book called "The Adventures of Poopy-Head." It will be bigger than harry potter.

Fri Oct 26 15:06:38 2001

AYB, you should write a book called "The Adventures of Poopy-Head." It will be bigger than harry potter.
