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Thread #: 1052

What to do with Bin Laden


Wed Oct 10 23:04:19 2001

A friend emailed me, and suggested he has a wonderful solution.

Capture the guy, bring him to america.  Take him to a sex
change specialist, and switch him over.

Then take him back, and drop him in Taliban territory, and let him live the rest of his life as a woman there.



Wed Oct 10 23:32:47 2001

It's cruel, unusual, and the all to p.c. US would never do it.

But [size=4]I[/size] like it!


Thu Oct 11 00:50:43 2001

Hmm the Globe prints a story saying that Osama bin Laden has a small penis, then two employees that work for the paper contract Anthrax.

It seems almost too much to be a coincidence. Maybe Osama bin Laden really is motivated to destroy the US because an American girl made fun of his penis. Perhaps we could use this to embarass him.

Also I think he uses drugs. He seems way too mellow and calm in all those video shoots.

EDIT: 3 people now have anthrax

(Edited by DuffMan at 7:52 pm on Oct. 10, 2001)


Thu Oct 11 00:57:53 2001

After being scorned by the more popular Ernie, Bert has decided to leave his live-in gay lover to join Al Qaeda in it's fight against Western opression.


Thu Oct 11 01:14:06 2001

Bert seems to be some icon to these wierdo's over there

Thu Oct 11 09:38:57 2001

Naw, Bin Laden on drugs?  What are those poppies they grow in Afganistan?  Opium?  Isn't that a light weight drug, that you turn into heroin or something?

I've actually had opium given to me when I was psychotic in a SF hospital, with a smashed disk.  It took me from hysterics to nirvana in a little less then 5 minutes.
REALLY good, and way to scary.



Thu Oct 11 15:19:28 2001

I liked Gendou's story (at Ars) about an Ars commando team that infiltrates bin Laden's hiding place and "takes care of him."  It was a great piece of revenge fantasy writing. :)

But barring that, the sex change would possibly be a fitting justice.  Or, when we capture him, shave his beard and force him to eat nothing but spare ribs and non-kosher hot dogs.  My wife makes a mean pork tenderloin.  ;)


Thu Oct 11 15:53:04 2001

man you guys are lame... what tame and odd punishments.
heh! maybe its true you guys are too civilised. what happen to barbaric and sadistic punishment, the way his taliban soldiers have been punishing people in afghanistan.

I vote to have him and the rest of his fuckers skinned alive. And then dipped in acid, making sure that all of them are alive and consious through the whole thing.Take them out of the acid before their nerves get destroyed. Since they still have sensation, and with the acid now damaging a lot of the outer layer of flesh. Take em out, and start peeling their flesh of slowly too. Oh and make sure they have them sitting upwards and able to seem them selves being dismantled piece by piece. Basically make them suffer as long as humanly possible. Especially for the shit they have put their own people through.


Thu Oct 11 16:32:17 2001

..How Sadistic.

Bin Laden as a Woman?

How ugly!

Imitation Gruel

Sun Feb 10 15:14:23 2002

I suggest we cover him with barbeque sauce and throw him directly into a pit of fire ants. Naked.

The ants will take it from there.


Sun Feb 10 16:00:20 2002

It's quite jolly and satisfying reading this, but we all know the US will get endless streams of shit if they so much as shave off the fucker's beard, let alone wait until new year, stick a cattle prod up his arse and light him up like a Christmas tree in times square.

Personally, I'd just chain him to the back of a trcuk and drive around New York at 10mph, letting the friends and relatives of the people he slaughtered have a good go at him.


Sun Feb 10 17:03:07 2002

from PaulHill posted at 10:00 am on Feb. 10, 2002

It's quite jolly and satisfying reading this, but we all know the US will get endless streams of shit if they so much as shave off the fucker's beard
Boo fuckin hoo to the people who'd defend him. They're next.

let alone wait until new year, stick a cattle prod up his arse and light him up like a Christmas tree in times square.
Anyone ever tell you you have a way with words, my friend? :)

Mon Feb 11 01:45:48 2002

Personally, I'd just chain him to the back of a trcuk and drive around New York at 10mph, letting the friends and relatives of the people he slaughtered have a good go at him.

Erm.  If he's slaughtered anyone, it would be Russians.  They have a real reason to want to kill him, as he would have killed Russian soldiers when working with the CIA.

The people who killed people in the WTC are quite spectacularly dead, because they were in the planes that crashed.

Boo fuckin hoo to the people who'd defend him. They're next.

I hope not.  If they are, it's just further evidence that the US doesn't want peace, and doesn't want to end terrorism.
Imitation Gruel

Wed Feb 13 14:00:55 2002

Personally, I'd just chain him to the back of a trcuk and drive around New York at 10mph, letting the friends and relatives of the people he slaughtered have a good go at him.

I like my idea more.