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Thread #: 1254

AYB has seen Fellowship of teh Ring to celebrate


Fri Dec 21 07:14:21 2001

It went by the book pretty straight.  To a fault actually.

You pretty much have to be familiar with the books not to get lost in the names and the legend. But it seems this movie was structured for enthusiests instead of dumbing it down for the uninitiated.  Of this I approve.

Naturally, there were parts missing and altered part. (Frodo was pierced by the spear of a Orc Cheiftain, not a cave riso, er.. I mean Troll.  And it was not discovered that he wore a coat of mithril in the books untill they left Moria.  The uninitiated would have wondered what the heck mithril was, but that's there own damn fault.

I don't remeber for sure as I haven't read the books in a decade, but it wasn't an elf chick that rescued Frodo, rather it was the Elf-Lord Glorfindel.

However, the scenery was striking.  The acting was very good (though Meridock, Pippin, and Samwise were a little less than convincing.  It wasn't untill the final few minutes of FSOTR that the actor playing samwise grew into the part.

Magneto (Xmen) played a very good Gandalf.  Agent Smith(the Matrix) portrayed Elrond superbly.

Elija Wood was a really good Frodo.  The guy playing Strider was great too.

One local pundit said that he was dissapointed at the way the movie left him hanging in suspence.  What a fricktard!  What does he want?  A 9-hour Movie?

(AYB does infact.)

Thus endith mine review.


Fri Dec 21 13:56:48 2001

It appears that me and the lady friend shall enjoy ourselves imensely when we see it tonight. Thanks for affirming my hopes that this movie would not suck. All is well.

It went by the book pretty straight.


To a fault actually.


Fri Dec 21 15:34:37 2001

That's Riso.

With a capital R.


Sat Dec 22 01:30:23 2001

Peter Jackson's films are teh win.

Sat Dec 22 19:01:06 2001

I don't imagine for a moment that LOTR will crown the glory that is Dead Alive/Braindead (depending on where you see it).

Any film with the line "I kick arse for the Lord" is a winner in my book.

But I doubt I'll bother to see LOTR.

Fantasy == suckage.


Sat Dec 22 20:57:44 2001

I was highly impressed. I went in with the attitude that it's gonna suck, and was happily wrong. Damn good movie, I feel it did a very convincing job of bringing alive my thoughts on the story.

I'm gonna see it again. :)


Sun Dec 23 02:19:04 2001

from DrPizza posted at 2:01 pm on Dec. 22, 2001

I don't imagine for a moment that LOTR will crown the glory that is Dead Alive/Braindead (depending on where you see it).

Any film with the line "I kick arse for the Lord" is a winner in my book.

Hmmm.  Tough decision for me, as DA/BD is tied with Bad Taste as my favorite Jackson film.  

Barry: "You'll never believe what I just had to do!"

Ozzy: "Ummm... did you have to drink some chuck?"


Not that it means anything, but Peter J was much thinner back then.


Sun Dec 30 01:51:44 2001

The movie rocked.
Who would you rather look at, Liv Tyler or Glorfindel?
I thought about it, and that was ok.  I was looking forward to how they would portray the first powerful Elf in the movie, and it would have been nice if Glofindel had been there, and taken on three of the 9, and chased them off.

I really liked the way they portrayed the elves, and the rapid fire shooting of orcs by Legolas was priceless.


Sun Dec 30 02:00:14 2001

Legolas did indeed rock!

Yes I did like Arwen.  She looks like Oscar Wilde ya know.


Sun Dec 30 17:36:12 2001

Yes I did like Arwen.  She looks like Oscar Wilde ya know.

I certainly hope not. It would displease greatly me to think that I want to boink OW.

Saw it again last night. The rockage was in great supply.


Sun Dec 30 19:33:21 2001


Mon Dec 31 01:37:27 2001

I'm GONE ONE DAY!!!! and i'm already being sexually harrassed! just cause I look like liv tyler, albeit with a penis and no breasts, I will refuse to have people thinking about boinking me! I boink my self, especially since i look like liv tyler!

...you know, i thought that was supposed to be funny but again i fail...


Mon Dec 31 06:30:49 2001

I didn't like the portrayal of Frodo. To whiney and panicy. He came out being like a gayer version of Sam, which isn't what he was supposed to be.

Mon Dec 31 14:40:37 2001

Just from looking at the movie posters my impression of hobbits is this: Tiny little faggots.

Mon Dec 31 16:16:39 2001

Hobbits aren't fags, they're supposed to be completely innocent.

Mon Dec 31 18:42:36 2001

Hobbits aren't fags, they're supposed to be completely innocent.

Just like AYB the Chaste. :)


Mon Dec 31 19:13:40 2001

You? Innocent?


*Magus gasps for breath*



Mon Dec 31 20:03:58 2001

It appears I have misspelled "AYB the two dollar Crack-Hoe!"
