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Thread #: 1234

Geek poetry


Sun Dec 9 07:02:23 2001

In [url=http://www.pegasus3d.com/scripts/ikonboard//topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=1233]this thread[/url], I did a paraphrase of "Love In An Elevator". Now, to do more...

You wonder why you're in the lab so late,
You wonder why you're not feeling great,
You wonder what happened to those hours eight.
It makes no sense, don't try to figure it out!

Ya gotta... Write code down, write code down.
Write code down,
When you've got an exam that really sucks,
Ya gotta... Write code down.

paraphrased from Aerosmith's "Walk On Down"

Now it's y'all's turn. Write any geeky poetry you like, from sonnets to haiku.



Sun Dec 9 08:39:39 2001

lovely :)

Sun Dec 9 13:19:47 2001

/me points to his signature.

My poetry.


Mon Dec 10 02:21:41 2001

It isn't poetry if its paraphrased is it?

Or is it paraphrased poetry?

Anyway have you read/heard the lyrics from Wierd Al Yankovich(sp?)? He has a few geek songs/parodies.


Mon Dec 10 02:44:41 2001

Birdy, birdy in the sky.
Why did you poop in my eye?

I won't worry, I won't cry.
I'm just glad that cows don't fly.

Imitation Gruel

Mon Dec 10 04:59:25 2001

Did you know that perfume is partially made of whale vomit?

<Kurt Angle> [url=http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=ambergris]It's true! It's true.[/url] </KA>


Mon Dec 10 05:05:59 2001

I was already aware of that.

Thanks for reminding me though.


Mon Dec 10 05:06:36 2001

OW, well, poetry's the closest term I could think of. Anyway, rejoice with me! The evil take home final is done!

/me laughs maniacally


Imitation Gruel

Mon Dec 10 05:18:45 2001

/me laughs maniacally

Is it a maniacal laughter like Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) or like Ren Hoek (Ren & Stimpy) or like from the introduction to each episode of Serial Experiments Lain?

Or is it none of the above?


Mon Dec 10 20:57:44 2001

Prolly closest to Kefka, IG.
Imitation Gruel

Mon Dec 10 21:21:45 2001

Kefka had like the most insane laugh EVAR. I challenge someone to find a videogame character, hero or villain, whose laugh is more psychotic than his.

Mon Dec 10 21:57:45 2001

For a while, I could imitate that laugh rather well... freak people but good.