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Thread #: 1017

I've started a fanfiction novel

Imitation Gruel

Wed Oct 3 06:56:46 2001


[color=purple]So far I have completed the prologue, and am in the process of writing Chapter 1. As I write each chapter it shall be proofed, and then posted on FanFiction.Net, along with all my other works.[/color]

[color=red]Consider yourselves informed.[/color]



Wed Oct 3 08:01:05 2001

You should call it Black and Grey.
Imitation Gruel

Wed Oct 3 08:06:43 2001

A title of Black and Grey would not make much sense to the story. It's supposed to be an allusion to details about one of the principle characters.

Namely, her hair is black and her eyes are blue. Thus, Black and Blue.


Wed Oct 3 08:32:59 2001

Grey eyes would be hella cool though.
Imitation Gruel

Wed Oct 3 08:52:12 2001

Grey eyes would be hella cool though.


[color=purple]However, they'd be impossible with the girl's genetics. Her father's eyes were (he's dead) black. Her mother's eyes are (she's not) blue.[/color]



Wed Oct 3 10:12:11 2001

How about blonde eyes and blue hair?
Imitation Gruel

Wed Oct 3 10:41:42 2001

How about blonde eyes and blue hair?

I've never heard of blonde eyes. Perhaps you meant blue eyes and blonde hair? Blonde hair would be possible but highly unlikely.

As it is, I like the character the way she is and I'm not going to alter her. If I weren't in the process of writing the story I'd entertain the possibility but backing out now would create more nuisances and difficulties than it'd be worth.


Wed Oct 3 13:11:23 2001

I've never heard of blonde eyes. Perhaps you meant blue eyes and blonde hair?

I daresay that vc was making teh funny. In much the same style as I would, had I gotten here first. ;) Think brushing your hair and combing your teeth :biggrin:

(Edited by HitScan at 6:12 am on Oct. 3, 2001)


Wed Oct 3 16:44:22 2001

kwell... i have a few stories me self. The only one with a color in its title is the "yet not typed, not completely thought out, but got the gist of it in my brain somewhere", "Philosophia Noir"
Which is the "The love of Wisdom Black", or the way i read it as "Black Philosophy".
No its not black philosophy as philosophy for african americans. Black as in a nhilistic view at philosophy.

I shall make the world bow down to my great inabilty to write stuff and all the other things people read!


Wed Oct 3 17:15:21 2001

Nah, it'd mean Dark Philosophy.
Imitation Gruel

Thu Oct 4 17:26:46 2001

Dark Philosophy

<Dave Barry> And remember kids, just when you think there weren't any cool names left, Dark Philosophy would be an excellent name for a heaby metal band. </Dave Barry>


Thu Oct 4 18:16:25 2001

Dave Barry is teh win!!

Thu Oct 4 18:28:59 2001

Ok, who's Dave Barry?

Thu Oct 4 18:47:15 2001

A very funny humorist/columnists, who has written some books and made some tapes, and has a syndicated column every week that is very funny.

Thu Oct 4 19:12:03 2001

I'm calling my book,

"A not so far off land"

at least, that is the pre-release version of it.


Thu Oct 4 20:27:50 2001

IG must post stories on his site.




Thu Oct 4 20:47:56 2001

My book will be called "Dark Philosophy, which hasn't to do a damn thing with the content".